Blog – 2-Column

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Dadi has flown

Dadi has flown

Dear friends,With loving thoughts, we wish to inform you that our beloved Dadi Janki, Spiritual Head of the Brahma Kumaris, passed on from this physical life, at 2am, India time on Friday 27th March. The soul has flown and is now in God’s lap. It is a time to pay silent homage to this tireless […]

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100 years young

100 years young

Dadi Janki – 100 Years Young and Still Working Full Time Still working full time at the age of 100 in a job that is both fulfilling and of immense importance to others is not an image of later life we are used to. There’s a tendency to focus on the very real challenges to […]

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Media Event with Dadi Janki

Media Event with Dadi Janki

**MEDIA RELEASE** Spiritual Head of Worldwide Spiritual University Celebrates her 100th Birthday INVITATION to meet Dadi Janki at a Press Reception at the Montcalm Hotel, London W1 Tuesday 12th January, 2016 11.00am (for 11.30am start until 12.30 pm) Dadi Janki, who is still working full time as the Spiritual Head of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, […]

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To begin to feel great we need to become more honest – to make what we think, say, feel and do as one. Without this “oneness” in our personal lives, no amount of distracting fun can make us feel good, positive or great. Having honesty means taking responsibility for the way we think, feel and respond to situations and other people. […]

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Tolerance is based on going beyond the superficial things that divide us. It’s the result of turning within and coming to know the Self. If I can deal with my own ego, then my own anger can be resolved. This goes a long way in resolving external issues, too. With my own ego out of […]

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Original peace

Original peace

It is not necessary to search for peace; it is within. Your original state is one of peace. External situations will pull you away from your peace – that is, if, you let them. Internal feelings can also pull you away. Tiredness, for example, leads to irritability. Learn to be in charge of yourself and maintain your peace: […]

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Beyond Words

The secret of Dadi Janki

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How can I really experience the power of silence?

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Understanding God

Dadi signs pledge for the Interionational Culture of Peace How does it feel to connect with the Divine?

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